From Routine to Ritual: How to Turn Your Beauty Routine into a Ritual

One of our intentions as a brand is to help blend the worlds of beauty and self-care.

With the boundaries between work and home also continuing to blend more than ever, we think it is a great time to chat about how to transform our beauty routine into a self-care ritual with a few simple and practical shifts.

Many of us can feel the pressure to be "on" 24/7, and our beauty routine shouldn't be another stressful item to add to the to-do list.

You actually deserve to show up for yourself and those around you with a full cup...

The main principles that differentiate a ritual from a routine are Presence & Intention.

Let's dive into some practical steps that can shift the routine that you try to get over with into a ritual that you'll want to savor every moment of:

1. Unplug: Leave technology in the other room for these few short moments when you are getting ready- whether it be washing your face, moisturizing, or putting on some make-up, etc... leave technology in the other room, because this moment is for YOU!

2. Set the Mood: This can look like lighting a candle, putting on some good music, lighting some incense, and creating boundaries so that you can enjoy this at-home sanctuary without interruptions!

3. Let it Feel Good: Don't like part of your routine? Drop it, or switch it up! Incorporating your senses are also part of this step. Using a cold rose-quartz roller or a moisturizer with a scent that you LOVE are ways to make this experience feel extra luxurious. Slowing it down to savor the process, rather than trying to get it over with can also help.

4. Self-Lovin' Intentions & Gratitude: Hey, you're in front of the mirror already, right? Why not send yourself some love? We often look in the mirror through the vantage of seeing a blemish or something wrong. Can you look yourself in the eyes and see all of the amazing ways you are showing up in the world? Can you say, "I love you" to that powerful person who is looking back at you?

This is also a good time for a gratitude check-in. What are some simple things you are grateful for? This simple practice brings us into the present moment and can shift our entire day!

We see you, and all the ways that you show up for the world and those around you- and now, it is time to give that back to yourself.

We hope that these tips can inspire you to shift from routine to ritual!






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